Keys to Unlocking a Productive Day

Keys to Unlocking a Productive Day Bx Matt Alderton

Keys to Unlocking a Productive Day

Regardless of how many businesses you own, projects you’re starting or events you have on, each of us has exactly the same amount of hours in a day. This fact can either be inspiring or disheartening, depending on the way you approach it. The following four points should be your key to unlocking a powerful, productive day worthy of an entrepreneur.

Setting Goals

Some think that it’s better to just glide through life and see what happens, without setting any goals. Unfortunately, that’s not realistic and it’s not something that entrepreneurs do. When it comes to creating these goals, the S.M.A.R.T method has become extremely popular and for good reason – it works!

  • Specific – be clear and direct, there’s no use being vague.
  • Measurable – Measure your goals so you know when to celebrate success.
  • Attainable – aim high but be prepared to adjust your goals as you go.
  • Relevant – create goals which match your vision for your business.
  • Timely – set deadlines.

Create Systems

Have you ever done anything more than once? If there’s some task that you find yourself doing over and over again, systemise it. You can’t afford to be spending that time repeating a process over and over again when you could be making headway on a less menial task.

Do you ever feel like you can’t go on holiday or get sick? If you feel like your business will fall apart without you, it might be time to think about implementing some systems. Without systemising, delegating and automating, you start to become the business. It means you’re just making more work for yourself when you could be utilising the resources at your fingertips.

If you leave it too long, you could find that you are the only person who knows how to do a particular task and, when you hit a crisis, the burden will be on your shoulders. Instead, share the load – whether that’s with technology or with your employees – and don’t wait until you hit that crisis, create systems and process now so that they can steer you smoothly through the dangerous waters later.

Time Management

Funnily enough, being productive is not actually a talent, it’s simply a result of being organised. Time management comes under the organisation umbrella and it’s something that very few manage to master.

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.”

– H. Jackson Brown Jr.

There are hundreds of tips out there and, if we’re honest with ourselves, not one of those is going to be the magical solution to all your time management problems. Everybody’s days look different but you need to know what yours looks like to work out how you can improve. Using Google calendars or a similar app can mean that you can see your week at a glance.

Knowing your limits when it comes to your time can also be crucial. If you know when to say ‘no’ to opportunities (great as they may be), it gives your ‘yes’ a value boost.

Support Network

Networking for your business is invaluable, but it will never beat the network you already have. Scheduling time to spend with your family and friends means that you get a great balance in your day and a safe haven away from the uncertain business world.

These four key points are all crucial to creating a week that maximises productivity, moves your business forward and gives you a great work/life balance. Carving out time to put these points into practice could be the jump start you need to create a productive working week.


Is Networking Worth Your Time?

Networking at BxNetworking

Is Networking Worth Your Time?

Networking sounds great, in theory, but is it really worth carving time out from your already busy week? Here at Bx (and Bx Networking for Business), we believe business owners stand to gain a lot from it, but what is it about networking that keeps us pencilling events into our diary all the time? Let us convince you with 5 key words.


At networking events, you can find people who have worked in your industry for much longer than you. Through them you can hear about the progress that has been made, the mistakes not to make and insights regarding the future of your industry. It’s not all about what you can gain however, networking also calls on you to impart your own knowledge. At some point, you will meet someone else who is only starting out, then it’s your turn to impart your knowledge.


The more people you know in your industry and outside of it, the more likely it is that opportunities will be thrown in your direction. If you’re known as a trustworthy contact, no one will hesitate to throw you an opportunity – anything from joint ventures to partnerships and client leads could start to pop up after great networking.


Many people tend to veer away from networking events because they consider themselves to be shy or introverted, but let’s flip that perspective on its head. Being shy or a bit of an introvert is not a negative when it comes to networking, instead, the events are great opportunities to practice. It can be daunting but giving it a try and enhancing your communication skills while making great connections can hardly leave you at a disadvantage.


After a few events, you’ll find yourself recommending your new connections to the people in your world. Suddenly, you’ve been made aware of great, trustworthy, hard-working individuals and you have no qualms about recommending them to friends and colleagues. Fortunately for you, you’re not the only one who is spreading the word; your new connections have now begun to recommend you to their people too.


All of the previous benefits can be measured through the sales in your business, but there is one benefit that cannot – support. Networking can deliver you like-minded business colleagues who understand the challenge of business ownership.

Regardless of whether you benefit in one, two or all five of these areas, it’s extremely unlikely you will miss out on any of the perks. Set aside some time on your calendar for the next networking event that crosses your path, give it a try and see how your business starts to pick up pace – remember, you have nothing to lose.

Need a great place to network? Then come along to Bxponential in October. At this free event you’ll hear from John McGrath and Naomi Simson from RedBalloon, make new business connections and walk away with key resources and strategies you can implement immediately. Book your free tickets here.

Working Towards A Positive Business Culture

Business devices and documents at the workplace, unrecognized businesspeople sharing the ideas on the background

Working Towards a Positive Business Culture

No doubt you’ve heard the words ‘culture’ and ‘engagement’ floating around, but do you really know what they mean and why they’re important in every business, not just the big ones?

Culture, like everything in your business, is guided by a set of core values. They outline what is important to you and your employees and they manifest themselves in every facet of your business. It can be slow to establish, but once it’s in place, it can take a long time to change.

Employee engagement can be measured to how connected employees feel to their jobs. Engagement is a little different, it ebbs and flows – it can be there one day, but gone the next.

Unsurprisingly, engagement and culture feed off each other. When engagement is high, positive culture can be established and enhanced, but without a positive culture, engagement tends to be lower.  

How do I know if my small business has ‘culture’?

Believe it or not, every business has a culture. Regardless of whether you’ve thought about it before or tried to work towards creating a certain kind of culture, your business has one already. Whether or not it is a positive culture remains to be seen. Use the three questions below to find a place to start working towards a positive business culture.

  1. Think of 10 words to describe your business’ culture
  2. How strong do you think this culture is?
  3. Is this culture consistent?

What should I be focusing on to develop a positive business culture?

There are many different contributors to creating a great culture within your business. The best way to start is by working on a list of core values. These values are more than just a list to put in a folder and tuck it away and they’re more than inspirational quotes on the wall. This list of core values will be the driving force behind every action you take within the business.

If creating a list of values seems a bit too philosophical to get started, perhaps this list will give you some practical ideas to get started:

Physical Atmosphere

Everything from the number of windows in your workspace, right down to the colour of the coffee mugs can affect your employee’s levels of engagement. Other choices such as whether to have music playing aloud or letting each individual choose their own music through headphones; or whether to allow food to be eaten at desks or only within the break room can also affect the work environment.

Dress Code

The dress-code can be a double-edged sword. Valuing professionalism can often come at the cost of the comfort of employees, but valuing employee comfort can sometimes place your business’ professional appearance in peril. Outlining a dress code can be extremely important in ensuring your business is being portrayed in a way that aligns with your values.

Communication Styles

All businesses, regardless of how small, should outline how communication is to be carried out. If the tone during inter-employee conversations is informal, does this carry over into customer conversations? Thinking about whether this is the communication style that best reflects your business is important and adjustments must be made accordingly. Likewise, if there is a communication breakdown within your business, the damage repair could cost you. Outlining communication procedures and points of contact should be a priority to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

Big companies like Google, Apple and Netflix are some of the most desired places to work and their work culture is increasingly a reference point for many other companies.  

Who’s to say small businesses can’t be as desirable as those big names? All it takes is spending some time thinking about your values, the things you want to internalise and the kind of environment you want to work in.

Want to set a great culture in your business? Then come along to Bxponential in October. At this free event you’ll hear Naomi Simson from RedBalloon – widely awarded as a Great Place To Work – talk about great culture, setting values and employee engagement. You’ll walk away with key resources and strategies you can implement in your business immediately. Book your free tickets here.